Parkview Elementary School LOCATION Rosemount, MN
Added new indoor space which required stormwater management. Infiltration area and large softscape playground was added to enhance to usability of the site. The infiltration area has NRCS-A/B soils and infiltrated the additional runoff created by the buildings and kept the nearby ball fields from being wet during game nights which allowed this site to be used longer without being damaged. There were a series of catch basins needed to capture the nearby water. These catch basins had concrete collars added to them. The catch basins near the infiltration area were used for rate control.
Added new indoor space which required stormwater management. Infiltration area and large softscape playground was added to enhance to usability of the site. The infiltration area has NRCS-A/B soils and infiltrated the additional runoff created by the buildings and kept the nearby ball fields from being wet during game nights which allowed this site to be used longer without being damaged. There were a series of catch basins needed to capture the nearby water. These catch basins had concrete collars added to them. The catch basins near the infiltration area were used for rate control.