Montebello Senior Housing LOCATION Montebello, NY SIZE 167 Units ‐ 220.,000 square feet
This senior citizen housing complex was organized as a village with one centrally located five‐story building and ten two‐story apartment buildings along the perimeter. The complex contains a full complement of services for seniors including meeting rooms, exercise facilities, a kitchen and a library/computer room. The five story building was constructed as a steel frame structure with concrete floors on metal decks, and light gauge metal framing for the exterior curtain wall and roof
trusses. Two story buildings are wood framed.
This senior citizen housing complex was organized as a village with one centrally located five‐story building and ten two‐story apartment buildings along the perimeter. The complex contains a full complement of services for seniors including meeting rooms, exercise facilities, a kitchen and a library/computer room. The five story building was constructed as a steel frame structure with concrete floors on metal decks, and light gauge metal framing for the exterior curtain wall and roof
trusses. Two story buildings are wood framed.