Laketown Elementary School LOCATION Waconia , MN
Farm field to new elementary school. A forebay was used in conjunction with a biofiltration area including plantings to reduce the phosphorus and total suspended solids leaving the site. There was a large pond installed to the south to for rate control dually purposed with additional stormwater storage to irrigate a large portion of the site. The third pong has been installed to the north part of the site with an overflow into the existing system of wetlands.
The wetlands on this site have remained effective with attention given to the volume and rate of water going to these wetlands by matching preexisting conditions to post development conditions.
Farm field to new elementary school. A forebay was used in conjunction with a biofiltration area including plantings to reduce the phosphorus and total suspended solids leaving the site. There was a large pond installed to the south to for rate control dually purposed with additional stormwater storage to irrigate a large portion of the site. The third pong has been installed to the north part of the site with an overflow into the existing system of wetlands.
The wetlands on this site have remained effective with attention given to the volume and rate of water going to these wetlands by matching preexisting conditions to post development conditions.