East Hampton Airport LOCATION East Hampton , NY
Survey, Design and Construction inspection for construction of the new Parallel Taxiway D (2,750 +/‐ long x 75' wide) to Runway 6‐24 from Runway 15‐33 to the 24 end and pavement repairs to Runway 15L‐33R. Project includes tie‐ins to existing pavements, grading, excavation, subbase course, new lighting, signage, asphalt paving, electrical manholes, electrical vault work, cables, drainage, pavement markings, top soil and seeding
Survey, Design and Construction inspection for construction of the new Parallel Taxiway D (2,750 +/‐ long x 75' wide) to Runway 6‐24 from Runway 15‐33 to the 24 end and pavement repairs to Runway 15L‐33R. Project includes tie‐ins to existing pavements, grading, excavation, subbase course, new lighting, signage, asphalt paving, electrical manholes, electrical vault work, cables, drainage, pavement markings, top soil and seeding